All year round, discover the districts of Paris through their history, shops, architecture and the local life. In the company of a professional guide from the area, enter into the soul and atmosphere of a popular district, meet and exchange with the locals and shopkeepers, discover cultures from all over the world.
Discovering Paris with the locals
Are you looking for an original and authentic stay in Paris? Meet the locals! A territory with many faces invites you to experience moments of conviviality and exchange during walks in the heart of these districts.

Surprise, interest, emotion, pleasure, memory… this is what we wish you to feel during these walks. Share with the people you meet, who live and work in this dynamic territory made up of a mix of different cultures.
Walk around a Paris district with a guide
Strolling through the multicultural districts of Paris and its suburbs will help you discover the culture of the communities that live there: little Mali at La Goutte d’or, the Chinese district of Belleville, the Tamil, Pakistani and Indian communities of La Courneuve, the Indian district around Cail Street in Paris 10th arrondissement…
The guide will show you the must-see districts of Paris with a guided tour of Montmartre, Belleville/Ménilmontant, Gare du Nord and Gare de l’Est, the Latin Quarter, etc.
Also discover off the beaten path sites in Paris in its unusual suburbs during one of our original urban walks. Visit the colourful Saint-Denis market and its stands from around the world, a stone’s throw from the basilica. Discover Montreuil and its locals on your guided tour next to Paris…. You will discover unusual and hidden places in this town touching Paris with a country feel.
Unusual visits to Paris and its surroundings
A rich programme of walks and visits on an original theme is offered all year round.
Take a walk in Paris with a guide to discover the secrets of the districts visited around an original theme. A guided stroll around jazz in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, a guided tour around the cinema in Montmartre, an architectural visit in the 19th arrondissement of Paris or even a street-art tour in Ménilmontant, Saint-Ouen or along the Saint-Denis canal in the company of an artist or an art enthousiast… This is just an overview of the many urban walks with guides that Explore Paris offers and regularly updates.
Visits to cosmopolitan districts of Paris
The cultures of the world continue to enrich the Parisian metropolis today. Many events and neighbourhood visits are offered throughout the year.

Enter a Sikh temple, discover the Indian and European (Croatian…) communities, the Little Mali district of Chateau-Rouge, etc. Many walks and guided tours are available, consult the calendar. You can also discover these atypical districts by visiting them on your own.
The “traveller” is invited to take a fresh look at the capital, and even beyond its borders, by discovering the different cultures that make it up. See Paris and its suburbs, go beyond the stones and museums discover the districts, different flavours, festive moments, high lights.
Practical information about guided urban walks
The walks are generally done in small groups to encourage discussion between the participants, the inhabitants and the professional guide.
These walks are intended for individuals, each one is accompanied by one or more guides. Reservation is mandatory. The meeting places are communicated after registration. Some walks are free, the cost of others varies up to 15€ per person. The walks last between 1h30 and 3h depending on the theme and your curiosity.
Hi! I am George and I am the Content Lead for I love travel, writing, making music and meeting new and interesting people.