11 Cool Things to do in Buenos Aires (In 3 Days)

Frommer’s has hailed Buenos Aires as one of the 20 best destinations to visit this year, and we couldn’t agree more. Your journey to Buenos Aires promises unforgettable experiences amidst its colorful streets, the sultry embrace of tango, and the irresistible charm of its people. With a perfect blend of culture, history, and iconic neighborhoods, …

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15 Chilean Dishes to Drool Over (& Where to Find Them)

There’s no better way to truly get to know a country than by savoring its cuisine. When we think back on our travels, the memories of new tastes and delightful aromas often stand out. So, if you’re planning a trip to Chile and want to explore its rich culinary culture, here’s a list of intriguing …

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10 Unforgettable Things To Do in Peckham (2023 Guide)

When people think of London, they often imagine iconic landmarks like the Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, or the Tower of London. However, for those in the know, London’s neighborhoods are where you’ll truly experience the city’s diverse and vibrant culture. One such neighborhood is Peckham, a hidden gem in South London. For travelers seeking an …

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Non Touristy Things to Do in Santiago: San Diego Neighborhood

When I returned to Santiago, my hometown, after spending time abroad, I faced the challenge of finding a permanent place to live. Securing a rental in Chile can be quite a bureaucratic process, even for Chilean citizens like myself. I had to rely on the help of a friend’s friend who had an available apartment …

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What to do for free (or almost free) in Santiago

When I returned to live in Santiago, after some time living abroad, several things struck me: how modern it looked compared to other capitals cities, how vibrant its neighborhoods were and, specially, how expensive it was. Santiago can be hard for a tight budget or even more for someone who comes after visiting our neighboring …

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How to leave the Santiago’s airport with no stress

Anyone who has traveled and arrived in a new city, hopes to come out from the airport as quick and easy as possible. To achieve that, its essential to know clearly what means of transportation are available and how much they cost. So if you are either a foreigner or Chilean and you have never …

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How to and where to ski close to Santiago (and also how much to pay)

The mountains are always present in Santiago’s everyday life: it can be seen from every corner of the city and it reminds us whether it is winter or summer, depending on the amount of snow covering it. Also, Santiago is one of the few capital cities with several ski centers so close: Farellones El Colorado …

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Depositi Bagagli a Milano: Costi e Postazioni

Milano è la capitale degli affari e della finanza. Ricca, affascinante e appariscente, la città ha attraversato uno dei momenti più difficili della sua storia. Ma è risorta, con le sue forze e con la voglia di rimettersi in gioco. È, dunque, normale che possa capitare di visitarla, anche solo per lavoro.   Se sei appena arrivato nel capoluogo lombardo …

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