9 cose interessanti da fare vicino all'aeroporto JFK (nel 2024)

9 Cool Things to Do Near JFK Airport (in 2024)

Vi siete ritrovati con uno scalo all'aeroporto JFK e state pensando a come sfruttare al meglio il vostro tempo? Se avete un po' di tempo da perdere, perché non pensare in modo creativo e lanciarvi in una nuova avventura? L'area vicino all'aeroporto JFK è piena di tesori; tutto ciò che dovete fare ...

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12 Unforgettable Hours in New York by Stasher and Klook

12 Unforgettable Hours in New York by Stasher and Klook

New Yorkers like to think their city is the centre of the world. And who can blame them? Home to over 8 million people, the city is brimming with energy, shops, and bright lights. America’s biggest city can be overwhelming to visitors, especially during Christmas time! If you find yourself with 12 hours to spare …

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31 luoghi super instagrammabili di New York (e dove trovarli)

31 Super Instagrammable Places In NYC (& Where To Find Them)

From iconic landmarks to hidden gems, here at Stasher we’ve scoured every corner of the Big Apple to bring you the perfect blend of charm and culture to post on your Instragram. Whether you’re a local looking for fresh photo ops or a visitor planning your NYC adventure, we’ve got you covered with the lowdown …

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