Ein Leitfaden für 12 Stunden Aufenthalt in Barcelona

A Guide to Spending 12 Hours in Barcelona

Barcelona ist seit seiner Gründung durch die Römer vor mehr als 2000 Jahren eine Stadt des Durchgangs. Die Stadt ist der wichtigste Seehafen am Mittelmeer, und viele Kulturen haben sie besiedelt. Heutzutage ist die Stadt ein pulsierendes Zentrum in Spanien. Viele Reisende kommen hierher, um Urlaub zu machen oder Geschäfte zu erledigen. ...

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7 Best Things To Do In Paris in 2024

7 Best Things To Do In Paris in 2024

Paris is the world’s 3rd most visited destination, with more than 15 million visitors annually. With numbers like this, calling it touristy would be an understatement. With so many things to do in Paris, it can get quite packed around the main attractions, especially during peak seasons. However, the popularity of Paris is anything but …

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Gepäckaufbewahrung in Edinburgh: Wo Sie Ihre Tasche während der Fringe lagern können

Edinburgh Luggage Storage: Where to Store your Bag During the Fringe

Jedes Jahr strömen Tausende von Menschen nach Edinburgh, um am größten Kunstfestival der Welt teilzunehmen und eine Vielzahl von Shows zu sehen, die von Theater und Live-Musik bis zu Speed-Dating-Performance-Kunst reichen. Wenn Sie zu den Glücklichen gehören, die sich auf den Weg dorthin machen, brauchen Sie wahrscheinlich einen Ort, an dem Sie Ihre Taschen unterbringen können, ...

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10 Must-Have Apps When Visiting Paris (2024)

10 Must-Have Apps When Visiting Paris (2024)

Legend has it, once upon a time people used printed maps when travelling to a new city. Forget about GPS and asking Siri where you are, there was a time when if you didn’t know the name of the street you were on, your only hope was asking a kind stranger for directions. Such barbaric …

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Hidden Gems in Rome: Discover Rome Off the Beaten Path

Hidden Gems in Rome: Discover Rome Off the Beaten Path

Rome is one of the world’s most beautiful and historic cities. Its history extends over 2500 years and has always been a center of politics, culture, and progress. The city’s construction is shrouded in tradition and folklore, and there are numerous versions of how this magnificent city came to be.  Various Roman emperors ruled over …

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Airbnb Problems: What to Do with Your Luggage After Check Out

You’re familiar with the predicament: you packed your bags, had a last walk around the flat, gave back the keys…and now you’ve got hours to wait before your train or flight departs. Or, you found an incredible deal on a flight. The only problem? It arrives at 6am, and that’s too early to check into …

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Quick London Guides: Things to Do in Knightsbridge

Knightsbridge is arguably London’s most swanky neighbourhood. Expect StashPoints full of Gucci suitcases and Armani handbags. Expect to brush shoulders with Saudi Sheikhs and Jamie Laing from Made in Chelsea. In short, expect decadence, exclusivity and immaculate surroundings from the crown jewel of SW1. This prestigious part of town attracts tourists in their droves, with …

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Quick London Guides: Things to Do in Earl’s Court

Another well-known transport hub, Earl’s Court has historically been seen as one of the main gateways to West London (as well as a competitor for the most confusing underground station in the city). However, in recent years, and thanks to a considerable programme of urban redevelopment, Earl’s Court has an increasing amount to offer the …

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Quick London Guides: Things to Do in Hammersmith

Quick London Guides: Things to Do in Hammersmith

Hammersmith, Hammersmith, Hammersmith. Where to begin? Some describe this borough as the real beating heart of West London, a lively mix of upmarket pubs, beautiful riverside scenery and great eateries, as well as some of the best live entertainment venues in the country. Drop off your bags and take a peek at what W6 has …

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